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A Sad Day for America

Good Morning, World. It is with deep sorrow I wake to the alarming a disheartening news the He Who Shall Remain Nameless has reportedly been elected President. How could this travesty of our electoral process have taken place? Well, hmmm... by the words of the elected commander in chief (if he hadn't won) it was rigged. Bet you won't hear those words out of his mouth now, will you? And by the way: I have affiliation and loyalty to NO PARTY.

Let's face it: once again Americans have screwed over the greater majority of Americans. And it's all legal because America is hiding behind an ideal that served well at the birth of our nation, but has long outlived it's usefulness and is as ripe with corruption as the the majority of the Government. Yes, I'm talking about the Electoral College. How is it fair that an entity has the power to determine whom is to lead and guide us that is opposite the popular vote?

But beyond that, American political process needs to change. The elective process and the majority of those elected are so corrupt, it makes my stomach turn. And now we are facing four years of hell where the Haves will continue to grasp all their greedy little hands can and the Have-Nots will continue to be downtrodden. Welcome to the death of the Middle Class.

America needs change. We need a System of representation that once again makes a Government for the People by the People, NOT big business, Lobbyists and others with a vested interest in the elective outcome that is contrary to the welfare of the majority. Guess what Haves? The majority isn't you!

Here's my proposal: Get rid of the Electoral College. It's a dinosaur. What the heck? Let's get rid of the elective process totally. Hang on. I have a replacement solution and it's a fair and equitable one.

Everyone eligible to vote registers, just as they do now. Hmm... Make it a requirement just as it is for selective service (aka The Draft). Only ones not eligible are those currently disqualified: Convicted Felons, those of unsound mind. From the pool of registrants, representation is randomly selected to serve whatever post they are selected for for the current length of the term. Once you have served, you are ineligible to hold office at that level again until everyone has had a chance. That put's an end to career politicians. Special Interests? Good luck! Your job just became much, much more difficult - if not impossible. Party affiliations? Moot. No more parties. No more political advertising. No more mudslinging. No more lies and deceit in campaigns because there will be NO CAMPAIGNING. Win for the American People. Loose for Politicians.

The Political division that we currently suffer through is hurting America. But the only ones that can't see it are the politicians. This election year, I can't tell you how many times I turned off the television every time a political ad came on. Let's just say I didn't watch a lot of TV. Thank God for DVDs and Books.

Watching the election results was a heartbreaking, gut-wrenching experience. I watched as long as I could, but got so disgusted and nauseated that I turned it off. I just couldn't deal with the BS anymore. I am surprised that Ms. Clinton did not contest the results. God knows, over-privileged, temper-tantrum-when-things-don't-go-his-way Trump would. Bet you won't hear squat out of him since he appears to have gotten what he wanted.

Here is another problem I have with the elective process: the projection of the "winners" by the media. They were predicting wins in areas where the % of returns was so small... It makes you wonder how much that had an effect on the way people voted or on whether or not they came out to vote. I mean really! What's the incentive to come out and vote if the media is already projecting that the candidate you might vote for is losing or has already lost? We all know one vote doesn't matter - not with the Electoral College in place. So once again, We the People get screwed by the Establishment and the Media.

Let's make our representation fair and equitable again: Take them out of the picture. America, this is our country and we should all have an equal say, not feel disenfranchised because of one party or another. This system isn't working and hasn't for a long time. But the lemmings and sheep We the People have become have allowed our power to be stripped from us. We've allowed others to influence and make decisions for us without making our voices heard. STAND UP, America! Or we will fall. We will fall even further than we already have.

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